What if one day a watch could guide you by vibration anywhere in the world?
That day has come.
As easy as moving your hand.
NaviWatch will vibrate whenever you point at the right direction. It's that easy.
No matter if you are in the largest city or on the highest mountain, you will always know your way with a hand motion.
For everything.
Hiking, jogging, city sightseeing, walking, NaviWatch will guide you for each activity that you are enjoying.
For everyone.
Travellers, elderly people, kids, visual or hearing impaired people, yourself, NaviWatch is actually a fit for anyone.
Navigation by vibration is what makes NaviWatch unique*, but it comes with many more cool features inside.
* Patented navigation system.
NaviWatch + Navibration app = post COVID-19 tourism
NaviWatch will guide you through the city. Navibration app will tell you the secrets of every corner. Your city guide in your hands, avoiding groups and at your own pace.
Welcome to the tourism of the future.
Responsible use of technology
Technology is cool but the world is so much cooler. NaviWatch proposes a responsible use of technology, by looking less at our devices and more at everything around us. With NaviWatch, you will be able to walk around with your head up, admiring any detail. The world is amazing. Be part of it, feel your way.